Joomla! Newyork

A blogger inspired and birthed from the Joomla! community

Target of affection: Moodle

Moodle is just an application. Call it, web application. No doubt, it is a web application. It is also called CMS or Course Management System.

Techie talk:
A reading from the book  “Using Moodle” Teaching Popular Open Source Course Management System by Jason Cole and Helen Foster. O’REILLY:COMMUNITY PRESS.

Read the rest of this entry »

Filed under: Community, Joomla!, Social Networking,

“You” are just another brick in the wall

Filed under: Joomla!

EFF: Electronic Frontier Foundation

The Bloggers’ Defender?

Please, don’t ask me. Do your research. Once your research is done, please leave your comments/feedback/thoughts.

Your thoughts are important to me so you can help us answer the  question – As a blogger, do I really need a defender such as EFF?

What do I care?

I already have my disclaimer.

Click here.

Electronic Frontier Foundation
Electronic Frontier

Filed under: Education, Ethics, Joomla!, ,

Twitter: tweet, follow and being followed

Hard to swallow? Then don’t MELLOW! because BROWN stays AROUND…Avoid Twitter altogether!  However, it is so easy to do if there are twitters whom you know – – from social networking community – collectively working with projects such as Ubuntu, Apache, PHP, MySQL, Joomla! Mambo! Drupal! WordPress! Moodle!

 "Tweet", says this Tweeter.

"Tweet", says this Tweeter.

My involvement in Joomla! Community through its Forums made my Twitter experience so easy.  If for example, I did  not join and participate forums community such as Joomla!  – I don’t really know what to do?

My experience in twitter made easy.  I followed the familiar names, nickNames, aliases and avatars. Avatars and Nicks are USERS’ Brand Names: Much easier to recognize them.

Following them!

Twitters who in one way or another help propelled the Internet revolution. Twitter! is not what it is now if there are no Twitters! Let the hype proves itself that it is not...

Am I ready to Tweet? That is the 2009 question. President Day, that is!  In America, we the PEOPLE celebrate this day as our Presidents’ Day. It is an  AMERICAN NATIONAL  HOLIDAY.

If you are still employed then enjoy the day with pay!

To follow basic Question: Do you know them?  These Twitters —>
Knowing them:
This concept of KNOWING  cannot be understood if you are living in the INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIVIDE or in the CAVE for years or never used a computer up to this time – sadly, a known reality where I have to deal every day but luckily for helping to crush the divide through education – integrating technology in the classroom: the use of information and technology as the standard – is quite fulfilling. Quite fulfilling just like coding, blogging, sharing at the forums, documentation and just plain Internet users amassed with information.

SMS Technology

SMS Technology

Filed under: Beginners, Blogroll, Community, Joomla!,

Resource: Handbooks & Forms

The University of Alabama in Huntsville


Great Resource!

Filed under: Education, Joomla!, WordPress, ,

Hello World! Year:2009 (PI)

This is my WordPress blog and I am using Theme: Grid Focus.

The screen shot below is the "Grid Theme Focus" Basic Architecture

Grid Focus

This side bar belongs to Primary-Index.

At the time of this writing, I was listening MLK's 1963 "I have a dream" speech.

In the U.S.A., every 19th day of February, we the people, celebrate Martin Luther King's day.

martin luther king

Watch PBS: The American Experience for inspiration.

The Barack Obama effect

Bush era ends: the legacy of ...

Inauguration trip to DC: What a day!

Categories: Social Networking, Social Media

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