Joomla! Newyork

A blogger inspired and birthed from the Joomla! community

A message to IE 6.0 hard core users: AKA IE 7.0 non-compliance

Upgrade to Internet Explorer 7.0 NOW!  The message is more on directive rather than request.  In fact reported that Norwegian websites declared war to these IE 6.0 fanatics.

Several large websites in Norway have launched an advocacy campaign urging Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 users to upgrade their outdated web browsers.

Wired.Com Headline

Blog.Wired.Com Headline

Leading the charge is, an eBay-like site that is apparently the largest site for buying and selling goods in all of Norway (Finn is Norwegian for “Find”). Earlier this week, posted a warning on its web page for visitors running IE 6. The banner, seen at right, urges them to ditch IE 6 and upgrade to Internet Explorer 7.

Read the rest of the entry.

Filed under: Browser, WordPress, ,

An update oh eight, from Mozilla!

Firefox 2 – a web browser, just installed the update. Time to review what’s going on at the “Known Vulnerabilities in Mozilla Products” page.

Internet Explorer 7 – is also a browser that bears the letter e.

E.T.C browsers out there!

  • Opera

Plenty of them!

Saturation or continuing innovation.

I picked two.

Two browsers can handle my needs.

Why ask for more?

Filed under: Browser, ,

Hello World! Year:2009 (PI)

This is my WordPress blog and I am using Theme: Grid Focus.

The screen shot below is the "Grid Theme Focus" Basic Architecture

Grid Focus

This side bar belongs to Primary-Index.

At the time of this writing, I was listening MLK's 1963 "I have a dream" speech.

In the U.S.A., every 19th day of February, we the people, celebrate Martin Luther King's day.

martin luther king

Watch PBS: The American Experience for inspiration.

The Barack Obama effect

Bush era ends: the legacy of ...

Inauguration trip to DC: What a day!

Categories: Social Networking, Social Media

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