Joomla! Newyork

A blogger inspired and birthed from the Joomla! community

2009 WordPress Template: Grid Focus

Question: How am I going to change my existing  template?


Theme name: Light

Reason for the change: Please read “First Theme of 2009!” by Heather

Focus Grid

Blog about Theme: Grid Focus

To change your existing Theme or Word press Template

1. At  Administration Page |Click My Dashboard | Click Appearance

Manage Themes

2. Select the Theme: Grid Focus

  • Say Goodbye  to Light Theme!

3. Activate Grid Focus

4. Understand the Widget position.



5.  Click Widgets


6. The Widgets dropdown list

  • Primary – index,
  • Primary – post and
  • Secondary shared


A place where you can play around with Grid Focus

A place where you can play around with Grid Focus

Filed under: Self-Help, Technology,

13 Responses - Comments are closed.

  1. Tozzy says:

    great!!! this is what i’m lookin’ for.
    thanks a lot. good job, bro 🙂

    ultimoadios says:
    thanks bro! and you are welcome!

  2. sears parts says:

    great post !!
    I read a few of your other entries. Where can i subscribe to your blog?
    Thank you for sharing.

    ultimoadios says:
    To subscribe to this blog, here is the link

  3. sorry i’m a newbie in the wordpress, how to change my theme, we must have web hosting first?

    Ultimoadios says:
    Welcome to ourEclassroom. Thank you for choosing me as your mentor. I am not an AI. I am real person (RP). Don’t worry sooner or later Akismet will also block BS.

    Just curious how can you be a newbie if you offered a VB Script Code download in your blog? How can you be a newbie when you know how to redirect WordPress page to a profit-money making – business oriented website?

    How really hard is it to change a theme? You’ve got me thinking here Mr. Suparlan.

    Mr. Gandi Suparlan. Thank you for coming. The answer of your question is already answered in this entry. However, because of the following claim that I want to propagate;
    excellent customer service skills
    social networking skill and
    some other learned skills with the following ideas; that there is no such thing as dumb question (even Einstein asked question too, you know) on the top of that being mindful of people’s learning disability and all the excuses there is – -So, in the Spirit of Social Networking BS or non BS without being judgmental – it is an honor to answer your newbie question. (Mr. Einstein)

    Click Appearance -> and you know the rest.

    Read the article below. Write down the bolded words. Example: Visual Basic, database …

    Koneksi antaravisual basic dan sebuah database tentunya ada beberapa cara, ada yang menggunakan script dan ada pula yang ‘mengaitkan’ antara tools yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Koneksi VB6 dengan Access, saya sering menggunakan script untuk konektifitas, namun pada saat ada seseorang rekan kerja yang meminta untuk merubah database type dari access ke mysql, saya pun mulai berfikir “Kayaknya harus punya refrence atau component baru!”. Sebelumnya saya akan bahas secara garis besar kelebihan dan kekurangan antara Microsoft Access dengan Mysql, yaitu :

    Word list from the article:
    Microsoft Access
    Visual Basic

    A newbie alright.

  4. parallaxbrief says:

    Grid Focus is, in my view, the best template, visually of the lot. It’s clean, detailed, clear and it has a professional design company quality that most of the others don’t have.

    I only set up a blog on Thursday (although I had to write on in wordpress for my work a couple of years ago), and changed it to GF as soon as I saw it.

    One question that’s puzzling me, though, how do I get rid of the ‘meta’ and ‘blogroll’ widgets stuck there on the right hand (third) column?

    I added a blogroll widget myself, but it keeps appearing as double on the second (middle) column, and I can’t even find where to get rid of the aforementioned third column widgets.

    OK, so, to conclude, awesome theme — the best in terms of looks, I reckon — but can someone walk a dolt like me through the widget process?

    UltimoAdios says:
    Thank you for your review. I am new with GF too and I am satisfied with the widget positions in my pages right now. I already expect that when I click the link the following widgets will show or hide. Then I blog so I could track where the widgets are positioned.

    However, your question is quite interesting. I should post your comment in the forums under widgets – help is faster there. plus exposure to the active participants of Word press community.

    I also suggest to make your name link to your blog as suggested in the list of the “8 Things To Know Before Posting in WordPress.Com Forums” Check it out!

    2. How to make your name link to your blog:

    Go into your dashboard -> users -> your profile -> then scroll down to ‘contact info’. In the spot where it says ‘website’ fill in the address of your blog and save the changes.
    Now… when you comment here and on other blogs, your name will link to your blog. If you do this before you post your request for help, it will allow forum volunteers to be able to help you quicker since they won’t have to ask you for a link and wait until you come back to post one.

    or I can do it myself.

    Read the road to wordpress forums >>

    Thank you for passing by

  5. parallaxbrief says:

    Thanks very much. Appreciate the advice, and, once again, great theme.

    ultimoadios says:
    Agree. fantastic theme. And you are welcome, it is my honor to have you here. can’t wait to see your Grid Focus blog. Any grid focus out there? Please stand up!

  6. I also like this theme so much. It’s simple layout made it very much intuitive.

    ultimoadios says:
    I consider this as a good review for Grid Focus. Thanks.

  7. nice blogs

    ultimoadios says:
    Indonesia? Am I right? Just guessing based on your blog.terima kasih

  8. yes i’m a newbie in a wordpress, i can post ads banner because me asking to my friends, and now i have problem with change my theme, so,,me asking to you (^_^)
    i’m a programmer with development software, so not understand with wordpress, i want to know wordpress more.


    ultimoadios says:
    My bad! my apology for the misunderstanding- my newbie’s point of view is different from yours.
    atau anda menggunakan terjemahan?
    adalah terjemahan yang baik?
    terima kasih

  9. grazia says:

    thanks..i try it, good 🙂
    what for the primary post? i try put a widget, but there is no any change..

    ultimoadios says:
    I guess the instruction is not clear enough. My suggestion is, make sure that when you select Primary – Post, you should then click
    Show and list down the widgets. Example: Primary Post: Categories and Most Read. Most of all Click Save Changes

    Then Select Primary Index > Click Show > List the Widgets if empty add. example – Blog stat, Pages and recent posts > Click Save changes

    Secondary Shared: Calendar and comments

    Note: put your name url so we can take a look on what you are doing. much easier. thanks!

  10. muymalestado says:

    Hmmmm Now, if GF was two column . . . .

    ultimoadios says:
    Hi can you put your url? as stated here.

    2. How to make your name link to your blog: Go into your dashboard -> users -> your profile -> then scroll down to ‘contact info’. In the spot where it says ‘website’ fill in the address of your blog and save the changes.

    Now… when you comment here and on other blogs, your name will link to your blog. If you do this before you post your request for help, it will allow forum volunteers to be able to help you quicker since they won’t have to ask you for a link and wait until you come back to post one.

  11. ultimoAdios says:

    How browsers behave with Grid Focus (GF).
    Old version such as Internet Explorer 6.x, behaves differently. This is a very long story. And if you enjoy reading the story, just to enjoy and get something out of your reading experience; I suggest that a reader must have at least 100 hours of training in HTML and CSS; manage and configure Joomla!; and a blog using WordPress.

    The case of GF’s showing two columns V.S. Three columns as intended by its creator: content section and two side bars for widgets.
    As per observation, two columns will only happen if you are using IE 6. Are you using IE 6? If so then upgrade to 7.

    How to check browser’s version?

    Click “Help” menu | Select the “About Mozilla” or Select “About Internet Explorer.”

    Any problems with other versions beside the old Internet Explorer 6?

    What about Safari, Opera, Chrome add more…

  12. shoaibkhanz says:

    Great Post, Very Helpful!

    ultimoadios says:
    Thank you. Moral booster – priceless!
    I found your blog interesting. Count my clicks/visits.

  13. thepixiebob says:

    This template is pretty amazing, but it’d perfect if had 2 cols and a black theme.

    ultimoadios says:
    Welcome! Are u thepixiebob at It would be nice if you will include your URL Hungry for wonderful