Joomla! Newyork

A blogger inspired and birthed from the Joomla! community

Introducing OfficeLive Workspace

Category: Collaboration
Type: Social Media
Continuing Education: Personal responsibility for lifelong learning

or check all that apply.

Anatomy of the National Work Readiness Credential

Anatomy of the National Work Readiness Credential

Click the image to see the larger picture

The video below should help anybody in your team to understand the capability of Office Live Workspace.

  1. Video: The Live Workspace Overview
  2. Video: Someone has shared a document with you
  3. The show will continue. Stay online.

Answer the following question below:

  1. Do you have a team? If no, then create one.
  2. Understand Social Media

Filed under: Education, Office Live Workspace, Social Networking, ,

Hello World! Year:2009 (PI)

This is my WordPress blog and I am using Theme: Grid Focus.

The screen shot below is the "Grid Theme Focus" Basic Architecture

Grid Focus

This side bar belongs to Primary-Index.

At the time of this writing, I was listening MLK's 1963 "I have a dream" speech.

In the U.S.A., every 19th day of February, we the people, celebrate Martin Luther King's day.

martin luther king

Watch PBS: The American Experience for inspiration.

The Barack Obama effect

Bush era ends: the legacy of ...

Inauguration trip to DC: What a day!

Categories: Social Networking, Social Media

Blogger's Profile

Talking on heritage: The Filipino Voices

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