Joomla! Newyork

A blogger inspired and birthed from the Joomla! community

The difference between tags and categories

wp-logo.pngFAQ is the reading for this hour. I have to read and understand the difference between tags and categories because I just clicked the link under “Questions about how to use tags? Look here!” as seen below.


When I clicked the here link, I already decided to navigate away from my “Write Post” window and find out what’s there . (Read the rest of this entry…)

Filed under: Content Management System, Web tools, WordPress, ,

Hello World! Year:2009 (PI)

This is my WordPress blog and I am using Theme: Grid Focus.

The screen shot below is the "Grid Theme Focus" Basic Architecture

Grid Focus

This side bar belongs to Primary-Index.

At the time of this writing, I was listening MLK's 1963 "I have a dream" speech.

In the U.S.A., every 19th day of February, we the people, celebrate Martin Luther King's day.

martin luther king

Watch PBS: The American Experience for inspiration.

The Barack Obama effect

Bush era ends: the legacy of ...

Inauguration trip to DC: What a day!

Categories: Social Networking, Social Media

Blogger's Profile

Talking on heritage: The Filipino Voices

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